Saturday, May 31, 2014

What we’re doing; and how you can help

One Big Campaign (OBC) is carrying out a major campaign across Ontario to help people decide who to vote for in their riding to prevent the election of the right-wing Tim Hudak and the Progressive Conservatives.

We know that many, many people across the province want to see Hudak defeated, but they aren’t sure which alternative party they should vote for.  So we are making hundreds-of-thousands of phone calls to voters to determine which opposition party – Liberal, New Democrat, or Green – has the best chance of defeating the Conservative candidate in each riding.

This is a hugely important – but costly project – so we are asking you to please make a PayPal donation (Click here, or the button to the left) to support our work. Any amount will be appreciated. Only Ontario residents are permitted to contribute.

Ontario is in a dangerous situation where, with our first-past-the-post system, Hudak could form a majority
From top:
Andrea Horwath (NDP),
Mike Schreiner, (GP),
Kathleen Wynne, (LP)
government with less than 38 per cent of the popular vote – much like Stephen Harper won on only 39 per cent of the popular vote in 2011.

Public confusion over which party to vote for is clearly shown in the fact that, mid-way in the campaign, some 35 per cent of voters had not decided who they would support.

“We feel it’s just too risky to sit by and take a chance that Hudak might sneak in with a minority government,” says Nick Fillmore, retired Toronto journalist and one of the organizers of the campaign.

One way that the PCs could slip into power would be to “split the vote.” This happens when, in a riding, let’s say the PCs get 2,122 votes, the Liberals 1,903, and the New Democrats 723. The total of the Liberals and New Democrats is higher than the PCs, yet they both lose. If this were a real riding, and our research shows the Liberals with quite a large lead over the NDP, we would recommend that people vote Liberal. Conversely, the same will happen to benefit the New Democrats in other ridings.

When we get closer to election day – June 12 – we will distribute a list that includes every riding in the province, suggesting who people can vote for if they want to try to make sure Hudak is defeated. We will need help distributing this list. If you would like to help, email us at 

One Big Campaign is a small politically-independent citizens group created two years ago to work on important social and political issues. We operate the Facebook page, Campaign to build 'One Big Campaign'. The group is registered as a Third Party with Elections Ontario, which allows us to raise and spend funds on our campaign. Our financial records are audited by the firm Kriens-LaRose of Toronto.

Think of the damage created by Mike Harris – and then think of Tim Hudak and perhaps triple it!
Please make a donation to our campaign. Thanks.